Online Forms

Online Forms is an interactive system that will help you fill out the forms required to initiate legal proceedings. The Online Forms system will ask you questions and provide you with supporting information. We will use your answers to fill out the necessary forms for you. Fact sheets are also available for download from the website. After completion of the form you may lodge and pay the fees electronically.

Other forms, such as an application under The Dividing Fences Act 1961, are available for download from the Website.

Prior to lodging a claim with the Court, you may send a letter of demand to the defendant seeking payment of monies owed, or rectification of the issue in dispute. This letter may request a resolution within a specific time (e.g. 14 days) and may advise the other party of your intention to take action, or seek a remedy through the Court if you do not reach an acceptable resolution.

Parties involved in a case

Claimant or Applicant

This party commences or makes the claim.

Defendant or Respondent

The claimant or applicant makes a claim against this party.

Overview of Process

Prepare Before You Begin Select Procedure Provide Information Review & Print Lodge & Pay Court Fee
Read the information in Before you begin. Start the online form process. Answer questions to determine nature of claim. Provide details about your claim Review form and print. Pay fees and lodge online
----- or -----
Go to registry to pay Court fee and lodge document.

You are encouraged to have the information relating to your action prior to completing the form. The first few questions will tell us about your claim, and assist you in selecting the appropriate procedure. After you have provided the information required, you will be able to download and print a completed form. You can lodge this form with the Court and pay the required fees over the counter.

Alternatively, you can pay the Court fees and lodge the following documents electronically with the Court:-

You require a valid VISA or MasterCard to lodge electronically with the Court.


There is no guarantee that you will recover monies through the Court process and failure to prove a claim, could result in the award of costs to the successful party.

The Magistrates Court does not have the jurisdiction or authority to deal with a monetary claim for personal injuries arising from a motor vehicle accident.

Next > Before you begin

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Last updated: 6-May-2021

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